Have you recently felt...
- Overwhelmed by health information
- Like you're chasing symptoms
- Unsure if what you're doing is effective
- Feelings of health burnout
- Stuck in your healing
- Like you've tried everything
Lymph Love Club is here to help you connect the dots.

Let's hang out and move our lymph together each week! Connect with me and meet people who share your passion for lymphatic health. Learning and growing together.

Learn at your own pace with a little help from my lymphatic bodysuit! I bring the lymphatic system to life and guide you towards self-care that holds a higher purpose.

Work With Us
Let's troubleshoot this healing journey together! Gentle but powerful bodywork and tailored self-care solutions from a team of lymphatic experts who live to think outside the box.
"Leah does a fantastic job of keeping the information simple and useful. Thoughtfully laid out with amazing graphics. Leah is engaging, funny, and most of all, knowledgeable."
- Brit A.
Online Courses
A (Free) Guide To Better Breast Health
Learn the anatomy and physiology of your breast tissue, and access the tools and exercises to kiss the painful, lumpy, bumpy breasts and puffy pits goodbye. 👋
The knowledge I share and the techniques I teach here are for educational purposes only, and are not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek medical advice from a physician or healthcare provider that knows your health history, has your lab tests in front of them, can see and touch your body, and check your vital signs. Certain contraindications exist for lymphatic drainage such as / but not limited to acute infection, active cancer, heart or circulation disorders. Consult your healthcare provider before beginning any new program.You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Align Massage Co. LLC and its owner/employees for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content.